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Everything has its time to explode

Consulting specialized in education, impact and sensitivity, with humanized solutions and results

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Not all
corn was born
to be popcorn

In some regions of Brazil, "Piruá" is popcorn that has not completely popped and is left in the pan. There are so many possibilities and paths that the best solution is not always to put it in the fire.

Being Piruá also means believing that there are many other ways to reach your greatest potential, and sometimes it means bursting and becoming popcorn.

Not all people, territories and organizations will be able to transform under the same conditions. Some will turn into popcorn under pressure, heat or fire, and others will decide to become Piruá, under new approaches and new perspectives.

We at Piruá deliver pedagogical and impactful solutions, with the premise of using sensitivity and comprehensive development as the main tools and strategies to achieve what we set out to do. We fight for a world in which everyone can be who they are, whether they are popcorn or piruá.

And it is in the search for new paths that we want to be now.

Do you want to come with us?

Piruá Consulting - everything has its time to explode!

With a team with over 15 years of experience in the market, with diverse careers, contexts and journeys, who believe in intelligent solutions.

We create project teams on demand, do you want to be part of our team?

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Fernando Lima Conte


With an academic background in Social Communication, specialization in Socio-psychology and Pedagogy of Cooperation and Collaborative Methodologies, Warriors without weapons 2012, and with 15 years of professional experience in Human and Territorial Development in the most diverse contexts.

He works as a Consultant, Social Educator, Project Manager and Senior Facilitator of participatory methodologies and practices, with extensive experience in team and community development, creation of narratives and characters, recruitment and selection, mobilization and engagement, gamification of processes and methods, strategic planning and conflict mediation.

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What we offer

We transform ideas into actions that generate impact and humanized results.


Human and territorial development

Promote the integral development of people, territories and organizations, with a pedagogical approach, practice and use of methodologies and tools based on affection and cooperation.


Educational design

Develop and facilitate educational solutions for events, workshops, participatory diagnostics, mobilization and engagement of different audiences and contexts.


Impact management

Measure, monitor and evaluate the impact of actions, projects and organizations, with affection and sensitivity as the main tools for territorial relations and a focus on social transformation.


Narratives and characters

Creation of stories with creative approaches, different genres, styles and narrative structures, with direction in the development of unique, sensitive characters, and with plots adapted to the identity of each context.


More than a portfolio, we collect good stories!

Our practices

We believe in solutions and results that interact with our values, skills and specialties.


an invitation through dialogue, experimentation and critical reflection, as possible ways to awaken creativity, the desire to carry out collective actions and cultivate new skills. Education welcomes diversity and stimulates collaborative learning.


the lens that allows us to see beyond the connections, singularities and complexities that permeate each action. Impact ensures the viability of actions in the medium and long term, and amplifies the protagonism of the people involved.


the ability to create new models, to perceive reality in a pluralistic way, to freely feel sensations in a context or territory. Sensitivity does not fit into theory, it is practical, experiential and transversal.

Partners and Clients

Come talk to us!

zoom, whatsapp, juice or coffee :)

Obrigado pela mensagem. Te responderemos em breve.

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